This is extremely important, please make sure you read before you purchase a ticket
On Wednesday 6th December, we will be holding the annual Christmas present market day, from 9.30 am– 12:30pm followed by lunch in the playground. There is a limit to 500 people with the roller door up and only 275 people with the roller door down. Tables and chairs are supplied by the centre.
You have to have a stall and sell goods to attend the market!
You can NOT attend the market just buy goods.
Cost is $16 per family
This covers the cost of hiring the hall, organisation, homemade money, wrapping paper, cards and tags, sticky tape and textas etc. Each family member including parents gets $10 play money to spend at the market, and when you run out of money you need to sell more goodies to make more money. It is so much fun. No Real money is used.
The aim is to buy presents for anyone you want and you can wrap them and put cards and tags on them. By the time the market is finished you have all your Christmas shopping done. They can sell anything. It’s fun to make things and prepare for market like a real business. Many families make cookies or lolly bags that are often eaten straight away. Some people make hair clips, bath salts, origami items, flowers sell well, second hand books, clothes, cds, dvds, etc. Think about how you set up shop too. Some people make beautiful stalls. There are photos on Facebook, just search Christmas market in the Southern Home Education group.
The market is usually finished by 12.30ish which gives us time to clean up and have a picnic.
Katie Dean 0419144663
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